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Liberal Democrat Group Alternative Budget – Council 26 February 2015

by Ian Shires on 26 February, 2015

150218 Ian

Liberal Democrat Group Alternative Budget – Council 26 February 2015

The Cabinet recommendations before Council tonight are recommended to be amended for the following alternative budget proposal (as set out in this paper, page 1- 6):

2.2.1   a)    The allocation of revenue resources for 2015/16 as set out in Section B: Part 1 “The Revenue and Capital Budget Plan”. (Resource allocation and portfolio plans to be amended as per table 13 on page 2 and the detailed changes set out following the table).

2.2.1 d) The revised statutory determinations (references are to the Local Government Finance Act, 1992 as amended) as follows:

  1. £625,953,587 being the aggregate gross expenditure, which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) (a) to (f) of the Act.


  1. £532,250,620 being the aggregate income which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) (a) to (d) of the Act.


  • £93,702,967 being the amount, by which the aggregate at (d) (I) above exceeds the aggregate at (d) (II), calculated by the council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its council tax requirement for the year.

There is no impact on other sections of the recommendations in 2.2.1 to 2.2.3. 

This alternative budget includes a new recommendation as follows:

2.2.4          An in year review of public health spend to be undertaken in 2015/16 to allow release of sufficient grant in 2016/17 to continue to fund activities included within savings proposals PH1, PH2, PH 5, and PH9.


Section B: Part 1 “The Revenue and Capital Budget Plan”.

Resource Allocation – Table 13 of Section B – Part 1  of the Budget Report 

Table 13 : Provisional Revenue Cash Limits by Portfolio
 Portfolio Proposed by Cabinet Alternative Proposal Proposed by Cabinet Alternative Proposal
2015/16 2015/16 2016/17 2016/17
Finance & Communications 4.83 4.83 4.56 4.56
Children’s Services 56.26 57.30 54.23 53.74
Community, Leisure & Culture 18.18 18.69 17.39 17.57
Environment & Transport 32.40 32.77 30.29 30.29
Health 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Personnel & Business Support 3.44 3.44 2.03 2.08
Regeneration 7.18 7.18 6.72 6.72
Social Care 68.11 68.21 61.95 61.95
Net Portfolio Cash Limits 190.40 192.42 177.17 176.92
Capital Financing 0.73 0.73 0.48 0.48
Levies 12.92 12.92 12.92 12.92
Central budgets (110.35) (112.37) (95.00) (94.75)
Council Tax Requirement 93.70 93.70 95.57 95.57

*Central budgets include direct Government funding and business rates. Health balances to nil as it is funded via a direct grant.

Detailed Changes to Resources Allocation within individual Portfolio Plans:

Amendments to Existing Saving Proposals:







Original Saving Description

Alternative Budget Proposal 2015/16

Cost / (Saving)



Cost / (Saving)


22 Reduction in Children’s Centre to align service with need Revised saving based on continuing with this proposal but retaining the Lighthouse and Fibbersley Park Children’s Centre’s 135,000 416,000 Children’s Services


30 Youth – Information, Advice and Guidance To phase in this saving following a fundamental review of all Youth Services Activity with a reduced level of savings in 2015/16 and a higher level in 2016/17 902,000 (902,000) Children’s Services


31 Targeted youth work
32 Targeted youth support
48 Area Partnerships – Removal of 4 support officer posts Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 107,000 0 Community leisure and Culture
49 Area Partnerships – Removal of 4 support officer posts and 1 project officer post Remove this saving proposal from the Budget


47,000 0 Community leisure and Culture
65  Library Closures Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 288,819 181,000 Community leisure and Culture
67 Closure of Walsall Museum Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 70,000 0 Community leisure and Culture






Original Saving Description

Alternative Budget Proposal 2015/16

Cost / (Saving)



Cost / (Saving)


79 Waste Collection Service (Garden) – operate for 6 months only between April and September (currently 8 months) Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 140,000 0 Environment and Transport
82 Street Cleansing – reduction in 5 posts and removal of Walsall Town Centre Gold Standard


Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 226,747 0 Environment and Transport
107 Democratic Services – reduce the  number of scrutiny panels and the frequency of meetings


Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 0 50,000 Personnel and Business Support
151 Commissioning – removal of recruitability payments to sheltered employment users


Remove this saving proposal from the Budget 104,000 0 Social Care
PH1 Sexual health & contraception – prevention, testing and treatment Continue to fund these services, but in a different way (using unallocated 2014/15 public health grant) 53,000 70,000 Health
PH2 Drug and Alcohol prevention and treatment services Continue to fund these services, but in a different way (using unallocated 2014/15 public health grant) 390,141 70,000 Health






Original Saving Description

Alternative Budget Proposal 2015/16

Cost / (Saving)



Cost / (Saving)


PH5 Healthy weight / physical activity services Continue to fund these services, but in a different way (using unallocated 2014/15 public health grant) 155,000 45,000 Health
PH9 Population Mental Health Continue to fund these services, but in a different way (using unallocated 2014/15 public health grant) 133,000 0 Health
N/A Reduce the cost of senior management by £1m over two years. Reduce the cost of senior management by a further £1m over 2 yrs (£500k in 2015/16 and £500k in 2016/17), increasing the current savings proposal to a total of £1m in 2015/16 and £1m in 2016/17 (500,000) (500,000) This will be allocated once the detail of the savings has been worked through and consulted on.
N/A Review of Employee Terms and Conditions – £1m saving in 2015/16 Review of Employee Terms and Conditions  – to reduce employee costs by a further £1.25m in 2015/16 (1,250,000) 0 This will be allocated once the detail of the savings has been worked through and consulted on.
Total Amendments to Existing Proposals 1,001,707 (570,000)

New Investment Proposal: 

Alternative Budget Investment Proposal










Transformation Fund 250,000 234,503 Subject to Business Case development

Summary of Total Changes to the Original Budget as Identified in Tables Above:

Alternative Budget  New Saving Proposal



Cost / (Saving)



Cost / (Saving)


Total Savings Amendments 1,001,707 (570,000)
Total New Investment 250,000 234,503
Total Net Changes 1,251,707 (335,497)


Net Changes Funded by:


Source of Funding



Cost / (Saving)



Cost / (Saving)


Use of Public Health Grant (731,141) (185,000)
(Use of) / Replenishment of General Reserves (520,566) 520,497
Total Alterative Funding Sources (1,251,707) 335,497


Chief Finance Officers Advice

This proposed alternative budget is confirmed to have been discussed with the Chief Finance Officer (CFO).

The alternative budget proposals as set out amend the statutory determinations but do not amend the council tax requirement or the level of council tax or bands from those proposed by Cabinet to Council.

The proposals include some removal of Cabinet’s savings proposals, some increases in savings proposals and some new investment as set out and summarised in the tables above.

Whilst the net effect of these changes is nil, the proposals include the use of alternative funding from one off sources as follows:

  • Use of public health grant in 2015/16 and 2016/17.
  • Use of general reserves in 2015/16 of £520,497 and replenishment in 2016/17.

Any use of one-off funding and use of general reserves should only ever be used on one-off items of expenditure.

In relation to the proposals in this amendment, I can advise as follows:

  • There is currently £1.04m of 2014/15 public health grant which is unallocated. The alternative budget assumes use of £731,141 of this in 2015/16 to continue to fund savings options PH1, PH2, PH5 and PH 9 in that year, and £185,000 in 2016/17. As spend is ongoing, but funding is one-off, this could leave a potential shortfall in 2016/17 of £731,141 and £185,000 in 2017/18. The alternative budget includes a recommendation for an in year review of public health spend to allow sufficient release and reallocation of resources to fund PH1-9 on an ongoing basis.


  •  The current estimated level of reserves as at 31 March 2015 is c£10.9m. The recommended level of reserves is £10.15m. After reviewing the budget risks, I can confirm that the release of the £520,566 reduces the authorities’ flexibility in meeting unknown financial pressures, however the quantum is such that all but the most unusual and serious combination of possible events can be met. The minimum opening balance required of the medium term financial strategy would not be compromised. In relation to 2016/17, the alternative budget provides for replenishment of £520,497 of general reserves increasing the amount available to the council.


The Council is required to set the budget for the forthcoming year, which is 2015/16. The alternative budget proposal as set out represents a balanced budget for 2015/16.

In relation to 2016/17, providing the public health review is completed, then from a financial perspective, the budget would be balanced.

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