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Nottingham Drive Shopping Precinct – Lib Dems demand action!

by Ian Shires on 15 July, 2015

Willenhall Liberal Democrats have contacted Walsall Council demanding action to sort out long standing issues at Nottingham Drive Shopping Precinct.

150715 Nottingham Drive

“We know that this is a hard nut to crack, after all the buildings and land are not in Council ownership, they are privately owned.” said Willenhall North’s Liberal Democrat Councillor Ian Shires.

Over time action has been taken and, almost begrudgingly it would seem, small actions have been taken to tackle ongoing problems, the latest of which was the installation of gates to prevent anti social behaviour occurring round the back of the shops; but in the main the real issue, the actual state of the place, remains unresolved.

As has been mentioned the Precinct is in private hands so it should be easy to persuade the owners to carry out their responsibilities, but it’s not as simple as that, nothing ever is is it? The buildings are in one ownership and the surrounding land is in another so the one tends to play the other off.

So why have we chosen now to renew efforts to get the owners to face up to their responsibilities to the local community?

The first and most important reason is that local residents have asked for our help. The second was a timely debate which concentrated on the responsibilities of both tenants and landlords which took place at this week’s Full Council meeting on Monday evening. The outcome of this debate was that the council through its Scrutiny processes intend to put private sector landlords under the microscope in an attempt to drive up standards. Willenhall Liberal Democrats intend to take full advantage of the council’s scrutiny of private sector landlords in a bid to resolve this blot on the landscape of the Broadway Estate.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. is it in Streetley?


    Well it’s a no then.

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