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Second Cancer Awareness Event at The Hive Hub exceeds expectations

by Ian Shires on 29 September, 2024

The second of three Raising Awareness of Cancer drop-in sessions at The Hive Hub, New Invention Square, Willenhall has proved to be a big success so I thought it was important to give you some feedback about the importance of this pilot project recently.

The second session picked up on the comments made from the first session back in July. As a result, there were some changes and refinements made which look to have paid dividends in that this week’s session has proved even more successful than the July session.

The Hive Hub reported an increase in enquiries ahead of the event. Many of those contacting The Hive were saying that they had received emails from their GP practice about the event and said that they would be attending. On the day this group made up a good proportion of those attending.

Another interesting fact that emerged was the wide cross section of ethnic groups which included those from the Afro-Caribbean, East European, South Asian as well as White British communities. A spin-off from this was the interaction which went on during and after the session. Something which sets these events apart from others.

The event began with a short interactive presentation which developed into a questions and answers session with the health professionals. Some of those attending who had had a cancer diagnosis shared their experiences which helped put things into perspective.

There was a great deal of interaction over refreshments at the end of the session with many saying that they would be encouraging friends and neighbours to come along to the next event.

Obviously, we will be judged by whether or not we see an improvement in the figures for the take up of testing, a reduction in the number of emergency admissions to hospital and ultimately improvements in the Cancer survival rates across the West of the Borough. A further session is planned in October which will build on the successes of the first two.

The real prize however will be if we get the go-ahead for regular monthly events like this at The Hive Hub where we can link into the Cancer Research charity concentrating on different cancers each month based on their Cancer Awareness Calendar

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