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Responding to the Government’s childcare announcement, Liberal Democrat Education Spokesperson Munira Wilson MP said: This latest Conservative chaos is hitting families hard. Parents are seriously worried about what the Government’s botched childcare expansion will mean for them. Free hours are no good if parents can’t find a good nursery or childminder for their child – and […]

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The case for a radical, liberal left

by Ian Shires on 1 April, 2024

I saw this on Social Europe this morning and thought I would share it with you. Published on Social Europe by ROBERT MISIK 1st April 2024 We should counter the radical right, Robert Misik writes, not with left-wing populism but the power of reason. The liberal left seeks to engage diverse individual citizens in dialogue in […]

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Average of 130 morning rush hour trains cancelled every day since 2019 Most cancelled train in Britain is the 6.40am from Cardiff to Nottingham Lib Dems warn “passengers are having to roll the dice every day” as trains cancelled at short notice A shocking 237,000 morning rush hour trains have faced cancellations since 2019, figures […]

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GDP stats: Rishi’s recession confirmed

by Ian Shires on 28 March, 2024

Responding to this morning’s ONS figures confirming the UK economy did go into recession last year, Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: These damning figures confirm the damage done to the UK economy by Rishi’s recession. This Conservative government has no plan for growth or to help families paying the price for years of economic […]

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New figures released by the Environment Agency have shown that Severn Trent Water which covers much of our area, discharged sewage into waterways for a staggering 440,446 hours last year, a 77% on 2022. Willenhall Liberal Democrats are calling for tougher action against sewage dumping in local rivers, including replacing Ofwat with a tougher regulator. […]

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Responding to the UN Security Council calling for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Layla Moran MP said: The Liberal Democrats welcome the motion, passed by the UN Security Council, calling for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. It has been clear for months that an immediate bilateral ceasefire is the only […]

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Commenting on the reports that the only Conservative MPs on the 1922 Committee will be given the opportunity to question Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron this afternoon, Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Layla Moran MP said: When we’re facing such serious national security threats, it is outrageous that only Conservative backbenchers will hear from the Foreign Secretary and […]

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Responding to the Bank of England’s decision to keep interest rates at 5.25%, Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said: This is cold comfort for millions of homeowners who still face massive hikes in their mortgage bills after Liz Truss crashed the economy. Many families still face a mortgage cliff edge despite this news. Liz Truss’s […]

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Making Women’s Votes Count

by Ian Shires on 14 March, 2024

I received this in an email from the Electoral Reform Society, thought I’d share it with you: Next week, our friends at the Centenary Action Group are hosting a free online event with insights from women’s civil society leaders on amplifying the impact of women’s votes in election year. Making Women’s Votes Count, Thursday 21 March, 10:00-11:30 […]

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Responding to reports that Lee Anderson has defect from the Conservatives to Reform, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper MP said: Rishi Sunak’s authority lies in tatters after the man he personally appointed to be Deputy Chairman of the Conservatives has defected to another party. This is a Prime Minister that cannot govern his own party […]

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