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Lib Dems welcome motion passed by UN Security Council

by Ian Shires on 27 March, 2024

I fear my family members sheltering in a Gaza church won't survive Christmas - Layla Moran - Mirror Online

Responding to the UN Security Council calling for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Layla Moran MP said:

The Liberal Democrats welcome the motion, passed by the UN Security Council, calling for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. It has been clear for months that an immediate bilateral ceasefire is the only way to end the killing, to get the hostages home safely, and to get desperately-needed humanitarian aid into Gaza.

But this must be more than a temporary ceasefire. It’s vital that the UK government use this resolution, and any truce that might follow, as an opportunity to achieve a permanent ceasefire and to energetically move towards a reconstruction and political process.

After months of violence in which far too many innocent lives have been lost, this resolution brings us one step closer to peace.

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