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Lee Anderson: Sunak cannot govern his own party let alone the country

by Ian Shires on 12 March, 2024

Worried look or what?

Responding to reports that Lee Anderson has defect from the Conservatives to Reform, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper MP said:

Rishi Sunak’s authority lies in tatters after the man he personally appointed to be Deputy Chairman of the Conservatives has defected to another party. This is a Prime Minister that cannot govern his own party let alone the country.

Even now Sunak is too weak to rule out Nigel Farage joining the Conservative Party. It just shows that there is now hardly a cigarette paper between the Conservative Party and Reform.

It’s worth noting that 3 Parties Anderson’s latest ‘shelter’ is lead by multi millionaire Richard Tice. Anderson also supported a Bill that would have meant that MPs defecting to another political party should face a by-election. The man’s a hypocrite.

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