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24th October – Cancer awareness drop-in session at The Hive Hub, New Invention

by Ian Shires on 16 October, 2024

Thursday 24th October 2024 sees the third raising awareness of cancer drop-in session at The Hive Hub, New Invention Square, Lichfield Road, Willenhall. Doors open at 9. 30am. There will be a short presentation given by a senior bowel cancer surgeon from Walsall Manor Hospital. He will give a quick overview of what to look out for on the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer. There will be the chance to ask questions and hear from others about their experiences. Drinks and refreshments are available throughout the session.

These sessions are not just about bowel cancer, there will be information about other cancers, about the National Screening Programs, Healthy Lifestyle Choices around Cancer Prevention. Health Care Professionals will be on hand to answer any questions you might have. During the session there will be the opportunity to get your blood pressure and sugar levels checked for free.

Screening for cancer has made so much difference in the fight against the decease and has led to so many becoming cancer survivors. Yet in spite of this and all the hype around cancer screening saving lives, there are five million non-responders.

For some, it is actually going for screening that puts them off. Others would rather live in ignorance, or it could be a cultural thing, and for some it is the waiting for the results that puts them off.

As someone who missed a couple of opportunities to take a bowel cancer screening test, I wonder now how different my life might be if I had done the screening. As things stand it’s 12 months since I was told that I had bowel cancer. I was lucky in that I had a great surgeon who had a great team around him and was looked after so well by the nurses and other medics at The Manor Hospital in Walsall. I can’t speak highly enough of them. They, along with the strong support I have received from my wonderful family, have given me a fighting chance of leading something like a normal life, hopefully for a good many more years.

Between them they have seen me through a couple of major operations, the first removed the tumour along with part of my colon. That was back in early October last year. The second, on the 4th of July this year, was to remove the rest of my colon following the discovery of a positive diagnosis of cancer contained within a polyp removed during a check-up earlier in the year. All this may never have happened if I had just taken the trouble to do the screening.

Don’t leave it to chance. Life is too short as it is. If you are one of those eligible for screening, for your sake and your families sake, when you are asked, do it. If you are one of the 30% of non-responders for Bowel Cancer screening. Do it. If you are one of the 50% who don’t go for their first Breast Cancer screening. Do it. If you are one of the 20% who don’t go for Cervical Cancer screening. Do it.

If you want to know more about Cancer screening and you live in Willenhall or Bloxwich, then why not pop along to the “Raising Awareness of Cancer” event at The Hive Hub, New Invention Square, Lichfield Road, Willenhall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. It’s your chance to speak with Health Professionals about any concerns you may have. And you can have a health check whilst you’re at it. For further information contact The Hive Hub on 01922 276464

Look forward to seeing you there.

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