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Walsall Council Budget Consultation.

by Ian Shires on 5 November, 2024

All Councils in England are required by law to set a balanced budget each year. Walsall Council is no different.

Former Cllrs Dan Barker and Ian Shires

Over the past 15 years the Council has had to make savings of around £285 million. Partly because of reductions in the grant funding they received off central government. This amounted to £103m. And partly in order to make provision for unexpected in-year cost pressures. This amounted to £182m.

The council needs to make a further £40m or there abouts in ‘savings’ in the coming financial year 2025/26 in order to balance the books and set the Council Tax.

A point worth noting. Council Tax accounts for around 20% of what the council spends. Back in 2010 this figure was closer to 12%. This gives you some idea as to how during that time the burden of funding Council Services has shifted away from Central Government to Council Taxpayers. Added to which over much of those 15 years Government has been restricted increases to Council Tax by no more than 3%, which is why local services have had to be cut.

Two thirds of what Walsall Council spends on its services budget each year goes on adult and children’s services. This amounts to £66m and has to bee seen against the backdrop of ever-increasing costs of looking after children in care. Now around £2,000 per week. And ever more complex care needs for our elderly. The cost of placements and care packages are costing an eye-watering £190m.

According to the report on the budget for 2025/26 which went to Cabinet in early October see the council still needs to find £11m of savings to balance the books. With many Council Services at breaking point, it won’t be easy to decide what must stay, and what has to go.

If you would like to have a try yourself, here’s the link to the Council’s Budget Consultation:

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