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Lib Dems help local people save money, stay warm and go green

by Ian Shires on 3 October, 2011

The huge rise in worldwide gas and oil prices is hitting local people hard.

That’s why the Lib Dems are campaigning to help people save money, stay warm and go green this winter.

Lib Dem Councillor for the Willenhall North Ian Shires said, “These price rises are worse in Britain because of the legacy of decades of Labour and Conservative rule.

“They have left people living in some of the coldest, draughtiest houses in Europe. They failed to invest in clean, renewable energy – leaving us dependent on gas and oil.”

Taking Britain forward

Now the Lib Dems are taking action in government on these issues. The Lib Dems want to make Britain a world leader in renewable energy – creating thousands of jobs and providing clean energy to millions of people.

Free and discounted insulation available for you

The Lib Dems have forced energy companies to spend much more on providing free and discounted home insulation to families across our area.

And from October 2012 the Lib Dem Green Deal will start – it’s Britain’s biggest ever home insulation programme. It will create over 100,000 jobs and insulate millions of homes.

Help for pensioners

Thanks to the Lib Dems, less well off pensioners will receive an extra £120 a year to help them stay warm. That’s on top of the £4.50 per week pensions increase in April and the regular cold weather payments.

Delivering for you

The Lib Dem Save Money, Stay Warm, Go Green will help many people in Willenhall said Ian , “I’m proud that we are finally tackling problems that were ignored by Labour and the Conservatives for decades.

“Better insulation, help for pensioners and investing in renewable energy can help us all save money, stay warm and go green.”

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  1. […] Lib Dems help local people save money, stay warm and go green Posted October 4, 2011 Comments(0) […]

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