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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

32,414 pensioners across Walsall are set to be hit with a £32,414,460 stealth tax following the Budget, new analysis by the Liberal Democrats has revealed. Research by the Resolution Foundation think tank has found pensioners are set to lose out from this week’s Budget. This is due to the Conservative government’s decision to freeze income […]

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Walsall’s Liberal Democrats have labelled the Chancellor’s budget announcement today a “desperate deception”, with income tax bills still set to rise for local people. Walsall’s Liberal Democrats have said that local residents will see through this “deception” by the Chancellor and that people don’t want more “empty promises” from this Conservative government whilst “local health […]

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Parliamentary Briefing from the Liberal Democrats

by Ian Shires on 3 March, 2024

Thanks to the bias of the predominatly right wing media much of the hard work Lib Dem MPs do within Parliament goes unnoticed, I thought I’d try to address this by sharing the contents an email I received today from the Lib Dem Parliamentary Office. Your Latest Briefing from the Liberal Democrats in Parliament. Dear Ian, […]

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Why we need a Fair Deal for Political Reform

by Ian Shires on 16 February, 2024

Our political system is broken. The voting system is unfair, and power is too centralised. Conservative cronyism, rule-breaking and sleaze has eroded public trust in politics. From the contempt felt by many of Boris Johnson to the recklessness of Liz Truss, the Conservatives have taken the British public for granted, and nothing has changed under […]

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One in ten (9.6%) patients waited 12 hours or more in A&E over the past year, five times higher than official target Shocking new figures show average of 4,200 patients a day waited 12 hours or more after arriving in A&E At some NHS trusts over one in four patients faced 12 hour A&E delays […]

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  Responding to the embargoed announcement by Ofwat, Liberal Democrat Environment spokesperson Tim Farron MP said: This isn’t up to scratch and is a gimmick. Money should instead go right back in the pockets of the people affected, through compensation from the water firms. Why are people paying for a service they simply aren’t receiving? Conservative Ministers […]

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Share your views on your local police

by Ian Shires on 9 February, 2024

I received this in an email today from West Midlands Police so I thought I would share it with you, particularly those of you who have negative views for whatever reason of our Police. This is your chance to give them some feedback and give them a chance to tailor the needs of our local […]

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Responding to figures that show no-fault evictions spiked by almost a third last year, Liberal Democrat Housing spokesperson, Helen Morgan MP said: Rishi Sunak’s failure to bring forward the ban on no-fault evictions is having devastating consequences for vulnerable families across the country. No family should lose their home through no-fault of their own. Yet, under this […]

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  Walsall ’s Liberal Democrats have slammed the Government’s new dental plan as figures show 131,075 children across Walsall and the Black Country had not been seen by an NHS dentist in 12 months. The research, commissioned from the House of Commons Library, estimates the number of children who weren’t seen by an NHS dentist in the year to […]

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Responding to the Prime Minister’s interview yesterday morning, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper MP said: Rishi Sunak either does not care or does not get it. As the Prime Minister buries his head in the sand and pretends everything is fine, people across the country are suffering. Most people when they are hit with a […]

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