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The work goes on

by Ian Shires on 16 May, 2018

In spite of all the bad blood down at the Council House in Walsall, back in Willenhall North and Short Heath your Lib Dem Focus Team has carried on doing what we always do; Ward walks to identify issues such as stretches of our roads suffering from the effects of the hard winter we have just experienced.

As a result of our work the Velocity Patcher has been round filling many of the pot holes. if you know of any that might have been missed l us know the locations. (Please remember that we only cover Short Heath and New Invention).

We have also had meetings with Clean and Green about grass cutting. They admitted that due  the very wet and cold weather right up until April they had been late starting the first cut. The grass was so long and still very wet even though we have had a few very warm days.

The grass cutting teams are trying to catch up, and most of our area should now have received its first cut. It’s not pretty as due to funding cutbacks by the Government, Clean and Green continue with the cut and drop method in order to ensure as much grass as possible is cut.

Many of you have said that you would rather less grassed areas be cut if the cuttings could be cleared up after mowing. We’ve an open mind on this. What are your views?


2 Responses

  1. Mr Mason says:

    I see you have used an image of my property while this machine was filling the pothole outside my front door. Thanks for the repair but the process damaged my front door and step covering it in tar and shards of stone !!! Can you please inform these cowboys to carry a sheet of ply to protect people’s property when carrying out such work. The mess and excess debris over the footpath and subsequent damage to our property has now been repaired and cleaned up. But I would strongly suggest further training should be under taken to stop this from happening again. I’ve also been trying to get a bollard installed on that corner but Walsall council have yet to address it I’d appreciate your input due too having cars taxis HGV lorries cutting the corner which is a major hazard for young children going to school.

    • Ian Shires says:

      Thanks for the feedback. I will make sure that it is fed back in order to prevent it happening again.

      On the issue of the bollard at the corner of Little Lane with Coltham Road, will arrange for a site visit to take place for Road Safety Officers to see first hand the problems and hopefully get a positive outcome.

      Kind regards


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